Joanne O'Driscoll - St. John's

Joanne O'Driscoll

St. John's NL

It all happened so fast. I went to the doctor with what I thought was a minor symptom and suddenly I had to leave work and start treatment. I consider myself lucky though because my cancer experience didn’t create extreme challenges for me. With the love and support of my husband, daughter, family and friends, I got through all my treatments and appointments and was able to carry on with my life. I’ve been doing very well since. Being diagnosed with cancer made me more aware of my health and wellbeing. Don’t ignore your body. I have a different outlook on life now, I don’t sweat the small stuff. I’ve also promised myself not to put off things that I want to do.

I decided to join Light The Night when I saw it advertised and remembered that my daughter had attended a walk in Halifax the year I was diagnosed and she had told me how nice it was and I felt it was time to get involved. It’s an opportunity to get together with people who have gone through the same journey as me. I like to give back. With family and friends we’ve been attending and donating since 2017.

Before I was diagnosed, I didn’t know anything about lymphoma. Light the Night spreads awareness about blood cancer and most importantly, gives hope to the newly diagnosed. It definitely would have given hope to me as a new patient. I particularly enjoy the circle of survivors. I also like hearing other people’s stories of their journeys.

Do you have a story to tell?

As a supporter, in memory, or as a survivor… share with others why you are helping end blood cancers by participating in a Light the Night Walk