Light The Night is a heartwarming and transformative event orchestrated by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada, designed to infuse hope and healing into the blood cancer community. It comprises three key elements:

1. Register: Sign up yourself or form a team here. It’s completely free! Teams can include friends, family, school groups, or even colleagues. Joining or creating a team is not just about support; it’s an opportunity to bond, get creative, and make a meaningful impact together.

2. Fundraise: Spread the word about your fundraising efforts among friends, family, and colleagues. Get inventive and host your own fundraising events! Every dollar raised goes toward funding vital blood cancer research and support resources for patients. Plus, top fundraisers stand a chance to win exciting awards on event night! See our fundraising tools.

3. Celebrate: Join us this fall for an unforgettable evening! It’s a time to unite with the wider community, pay tribute to our loved ones, acknowledge our fundraising achievements, and revel in the progress made in blood cancer research. The event is open to all ages and it’s completely free. See event locations, dates, and times

This year’s event will feature an exciting indoor-outdoor format, with the walk being the heart of the event!

Get ready for surprises galore!

Light The Night 2024 promises an experience you won’t soon forget!

Share Your Story


Your Light The Night Moment

Why - and how - did you Light The Night?
Celebrate Blue
Who did you let your light shine for?

A Life Remembered

Share a tribute in memory of a loved one lost