Jocelyn McGlynn

Jocelyn McGlynn


London ON

Words cannot capture the impact and memory of her hugs, her laughs, her connections, her conversations...Joc made everything perfect. Joc is love.

Joc was more than just brilliant and beautiful; Jocelyn was selfless, strong, faith-filled, creative, witty, talented, appreciative, caring and very supportive to those around her. Jocelyn absolutely loved everything that life offered and she took full advantage of every opportunity. Joc loved her community at UWO: her lectures, her labs, her profs, her classmates, and the next chapter in her textbooks. She loved learning and her thirst for knowledge was contagious to everyone around her. 

Joc was always connected with her family and her friends from pre-JK to elementary to highschool to university. Joc was always exploring from scuba diving to road biking to performing and experiencing theatre. Joc had incredible dreams and she planned everything accordingly and perfectly: traveling, researching, visiting and finding new ways to have fun and learn at the same time. As much as Joc loved being out and about, Joc also loved being at home. Joc was truly happy wherever she was doing whatever she was doing. Jocelyn created a happy place that we all longed for, appreciated and cherished.

Joc was described by one of her dorm mates in a wonderful and appropriate way; she described Jocelyn as if she was a Disney princess. Joc’s friend anticipated that one day she would walk out of the dorm and find the animals around the dorm speaking with Joc. Joc just had the ability to connect with everyone around her, hearing and seeing them, and making them see their own value. Jocelyn made everyone better. Joc was beyond caring and compassionate. 

Despite her best efforts, in the fall of 2018, Joc struggled completing her daily tasks.  This was so very unlike our Joc. Just a couple of weeks earlier Joc was thriving and living life to the fullest: she had scored very well in her MCAT’s, was in year four of cell bio and bio chem at UWO aspiring to be a doctor, was an active philanthropist in her sorority APhi, was an athlete, was an artist, was a musician, was a sister, was our daughter, was a true friend to all, and so much more. After about two weeks of feeling very tired, a couple of visits to the doctor, and suspected strep throat, the unthinkable was shared. Our world was shattered in November of 2018 when Joc was diagnosed with AMML.

Joc apologized the moment we learned that she had cancer. We will always remember that apology and the look she gave us; typically Jocelyn putting others before herself as she was concerned about us. 

Joc was courageous and conceded that she was not going to lose this battle. Throughout her hundreds of nights in hospital, Joc made friends with her many caregivers and fellow patients. Dr. X, his team of colleagues and C7 at Vic became family to her. Joc sincerely cared to learn about them and welcomed them into her life, into her circle of friends. Joc, Dr. X and her caregivers had deep conversations and inside jokes. Joc was truly loyal and friendship was sacred to her. Joc made everyone feel special because she believed they were; you felt Joc’s presence and you appreciated her attention. Joc was a person of truth, integrity, compassion and empathy.

As in life, Joc would never be satisfied with the minimum requirements. Joc pushed herself to do 3 times the number of laps that she needed to do after both of her transplants. During each of her approximate 15 bone marrow biopsies, Joc always offered extra samples of her marrow “for the love of science”. Joc was truly selfless, caring and strong. 

Joc loved her family, brothers, friends, pets, musicals, movies, soccer, track, figure skating, swimming, painting, drawing, writing, baking, cooking, dining, attending Leafs and Raptors games, entertaining at the golf club, traveling, being home, learning, sharing, loving, bringing people together, including everyone…Joc was a natural at everything and at connecting with everyone. 

Joc was truly resilient and tough; she never complained. Even when Joc was sick, her megawatt smile and positive disposition attracted and comforted those around her. Her very essence was calming, and Joc’s smile is so difficult to accurately describe; it’s just how Joc made you feel: so warm, so content and so happy when she entered the room. It’s this indescribable magical effect you felt when you saw Joc. 

Throughout her 21-month treatment, she was an advocate for others suffering from blood cancers by actively promoting blood drives, stem cell donation and increasing overall awareness of blood cancers. She created fun videos & inspired over 2,000 people to join the Stem Cell registry. Jocelyn loved the idea of community and Light the Night. She wanted to walk in Light the Night in 2019 . On the day she was discharged after a month long stay in hospital, Jocelyn went home to Chatham to freshen up, then returned to London to walk in Light the Night that evening.

Joc fought hard and did not want to leave us. Joc’s presence remains in all we see and hear that is true and good and pure. Joc is so missed and so loved beyond measure. Words cannot capture the impact and memory of her hugs, her laughs, her connections, her conversations…Joc made everything perfect. Joc is love. We are truly blessed to be Jocelyn’s parents. We are so proud to have Jocelyn as the Light the Night Honoured Remembered Hero for 2022.

Do you have a story to tell?

As a supporter, in memory, or as a survivor… share with others why you are helping end blood cancers by participating in a Light the Night Walk.