Rose Jack

Rose Jack

Vancouver BC

I am stronger, more grateful, and the simple things in life have become more meaningful and important.

It was 8 pm on a cold winter night, I just finished teaching a Pilates Class and my phone rang. It was my family doctor informing me I had Leukemia and to get to the hospital ASAP. That phone call changed my life.

January 2016 I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and with Philadelphia D chromosome mutation. I was in shock, I could not believe what I was hearing. Chemo, radiation and an umbilical cord bone marrow transplant followed.

It has been quite the journey of emotions and unknowns with good days and bad days. I managed with the loving and caring support of my husband, family and friends. Meditation and deep breathing exercises became my go to, when I could muster the energy, I would get on the stationary bike or practice Pilates and stretching from my hospital bed. Slowly, I became stronger, and for me exercise was my saviour - it still is. Over 5 years have passed since that phone call, but the memory still jars me. I am stronger, more grateful, and the simple things in life have become more meaningful and important.

I now teach Pilates and Fitness classes on Zoom by donation to raise money for Leukemia research and once COVID is behind us, I plan to reopen my studio.